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      Posted by Marie Ristic on in Meat Processing
      Pork production process

      Maximising Yield In Pork Production Processes

      Following the slaughter and deboning process, a significant amount of high-quality meat remains on the bones, leaving processors with an opportunity to recover this valuable product. Further processing includes separating meat from bone for use in products like ham, bacon, salami, sausages, mince and more. 


      Pork production and demand in Australia

      Domestically, while consumption of pork is robust, producers remain constrained due to high feed costs and biosecurity issues. By customising workflow and production processes, suppliers can improve profitability.

      Producers can employ cutting-edge technology and best practices in the pork production process to ensure minimal wastage and high quality. This is particularly crucial when it comes to in-demand lean pork products sought after by health-conscious consumers. 

      Pork production processes to maximise yield

      Maximising yield from incoming pork carcasses and cuts means extracting all edible byproducts throughout the processing line. A POSS separator can also de-fat pork skin, which can be sold to companies that manufacture pork rinds at scale. 

      Mechanically separated pork produced using a POSS separator is of consistently high quality. When removing tissue from bone, the bones are not crushed or ground, ensuring the meat output is safe for consumers. 

      POSS separators apply pressure to the input material against a screen to filter the soft meat from the hard bone, cartilage and sinew. The result is a high-quality product that is well structured, with good texture, and resembles ground porks. 

      This video demonstrates single-stage pork defatting, using a POSS separator:

      POSS separators provide unparalleled performance for yield and temperature rise, resulting in the lowest possible bone/calcium levels in the premium coarse ground meat it produces.

      Processed pork meat is used in products such as sausages, patties, burgers, frankfurters, and canned meat. The separated pork skin can be used to manufacture pork rind. 

      Benefits of POSS separators for pork processing

      POSS separators can add efficiency and automate multiple steps in the pork production process, from deboning bone-in pork loins to defatting pork loins and bacon. The gentle mechanical defatting process ensures that pork cuts are effectively defatted without the loss of valuable meat. 
      The video below demonstrates dual-stage pork defatting in action. 

      POSS separators provide unparalleled yield for pork processors

      As the industry standard in mechanical separating technology, POSS Separators are chosen as part of our range for their quality, throughput and efficiency, providing cost savings and operational benefits to pork processors. 

      Contact our expert team to learn more about our pork processing equipment or our range of POSS machines in Australia and New Zealand.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What is the process of pork processing?

      Pork meat processing includes three key macro-steps: slaughtering, meat cutting and further processing. After the meat is cut, fresh meat is refrigerated and transported for further processing, including the production of ham, bacon, salami, mince, ground meat, sausages, pork rind and other pork products. 

      How is processed pork made?

      Processed pork is made by defatting, grinding, separating and then salting, curing, smoking, boiling or frying to create salami, sausage and other processed pork products.

      How big is the Australian pork industry?

      The Australian pork industry contributed approximately $5.5 billion (2022-23) in gross product to the domestic economy.

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